Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Top 10 Most Favorite Things

1. CHOCOLATE. Anytime, any place, any way. Particularly chocolate with peanut butter in any form or variety. You can find a chocolate wrapper in just about any trash recepticle at my home, inside or out. If I gave up chocolate, I would have no need to fantasize about getting the lap band. Hersheys would go out of business if it weren't for me.

2. GRANDKIDS. They are the reason I get up in the morning, a reason to be silly, the reason I smile, the only motivation to get out of town what little I do. What do I love about my grandkids? Hailee's quips, especially when she told Grandpa its better to pee his pants than to waste time stopping at Ross to use the bathroom . . . My webcam visits with Riley, who thinks seeing Grandma on the monitor is like watching a really boring TV program . . . Izzy's thighs, so luciously fun to squeeze . . . and Camryn's chubby cheeks . . . ditto.

3. NEW YORK CITY. Manhattan. Bonding time with Darcy & Randee. Riding the subway train. Appetizers at Ruby Foos. Frozen hot chocolate at Serendipity. Late night frozen yogurt runs. Totally awesome all-you-can-eat deli buffets (that ones for you Randee). Lion King. Max & Laura in Grease. Hours & hours at Sephora. Lips Celebrity Impersonators. Purse & jewelry shopping in Chinatown. Gondola watching in Central Park. Lady liberty in all her majesty. Watching the girls on TRL from our hotel room. Dolling up, and going out. Celebrity watching. Walking, walking, and more walking. Visiting Manhattan YA Ward. Being Silly. Everything that makes this dirty, stinky city worth exploring. Its the female equivalant of a hunting or fishing trip. After years of taking care of everyone else, I finally am doing something just for me. Filling my artsy void. It recharges me, and makes me want to face life again. Nuff said.

4. REALITY TV. Just about any show I can get my eyes on, or can Tivo. Survivor, The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, Big Brother, The Apprentice, American Idol . . .I love them all, and then some. I can even be caught from time to time watching Flavor of Love or I Love New York, if I need a good laugh. The most hilarious reality show of all time was Joe Schmo. I still chuckle from time to time when I think about it. It satisfies my very twisted sense of humor. Its in the Simon genes, trust me. PS . . .David Archuletta, we love you. If you like tall girls with long blonde hair, give me a jingle. I can hook you up.

5. HOME DECORATING. I love, love, LOVE to do it. My budget doesn't allow me to indulge this obsession, but I do what little I can. It is the one thing I think I am really good at, besides music. I love rich fabrics, faux finishes, meaningful wall quotes, functionality. Maybe some day I will be able to make my dream house a beautiful showpiece. I am an admitted homebody, so beautiful peaceful surroundings are very important to me.

6. SLEEP. I don't get much of it because of the paper route, so when I actually get a decent four hour stretch of REM, I treasure it. Every year on Mother's Day and my birthday, I tell my family that all I want is uninterrupted sleep. But without fail, the phone rings, someone knocks at the door, the icemaker does its thing, an airplane takes off, or Randee makes noise just to wake me up because she is lonesome. Even at that, my 49 year old body has to visit the bathroom several times a night, and I wake up thirsty at least twice. I actually slept 5 hours straight on our vacation to West Yellowstone last weekend, thanks to 4 Ibuprofen. I am still in disbelief about that one.

7. PERFORMING. Particularly, singing. I was given a vocal talent, but I can see it fading as the opportunities do. There is no big demand nowadays for a 49 year old overweight wedding singer. But, I do love the opportunities I get to share my talent, whether it be a wedding, funeral, or special occasion. One of the things on my bucket list, is to write enough music to cut at least one CD . . . burned on my computer, for just a select few of course. I want my grandkids to know that their Grandma had pipes.

8. TRAVEL. If money were no object, I would be traveling constantly. If I only get one chance at this planet, I may as well see as much of it as I can while I am here. My travels so far have included Chicago, Florida, New York, Mexico, and Hawaii, plus most of the Western States. My hope is that before we get too old, we can take in a few cruises, see Australia & New Zealand, see some ruins, bask in the Sun in Cabo, visit Hawaii once again, and take the grandkids to Disneyland, for sure. We are still crossing our fingers that we can pull off John's trip to the Philippines with Johnny and Uncle Dan, to get Skyler. He also has always wanted to do a fishing expedition up to Alaska with the guys. Of course, I will continue to do my New York trip with the girls, if finances permit. Oh, by the way . . that is Darcy with the Naked Cowboy in Times Square. Naughty naughty Darcy.

9. THE ELDERLY AND SMALL CHILDREN. I find them to be interesting, sweet, and real. None of that drama that comes from most grown women. So many never made it past Junior High School, and are still at each others throats. To my current friends . . take this with a grain of salt, I love you. I just would rather be playing games with Hailee and Riley, or having lunch with my Dad. Easy going, stress free.

10. BEING AT HOME There is no place I would rather be than in the comfort of my own home. Its the most peaceful serene place I know of, short of being in the temple. Its where I choose to be to escape the chaos of the world around me. The quiet is my survival. The downside though, is that I find the more I am here, the more I don't need anything or anyone else. I think I am becoming a recluse to be honest. But . . I have been in homes with disorder and craziness, and it drives me insane. I love the new song that we are learning for the Primary Program called "Home Is Where The Heart Is" . . .It tells all the things that make home, home: "Home is where the heart is, where warmth and love abound. Home is where warm circling arms go all the way around." Love hearing those little primary kids sing.

1 comment:

Dot said...

Cute blog--you did a great job!