FYI . . .Darcy is engaged, and set to be married on May 2nd in the Spokane Washington Temple. Darcy had been living in Huntington Beach, CA for nearly a year, living the post college beach baby single life, hoping to meet her prince charming, and live happily ever after. Unfortunately, things kept going awry, and after many tearful phonecalls to Mom, she moved home to live with us, and to find her path.
She told me that Heavenly Father knew her address, and that if she was living right, he would bring the right man into her life. Enter stage left - Adam Scott Pingel. Needless to day, they had a whirlwind romance, and were engaged after 10 days of dating!

We could not have hand picked a better match for her! Both love singing, dancing, acting . . .and will be headed to work at the Playmill Theater in West Yellowstone this summer, so if any of you get up this way, take the time to catch one of their shows! Adam is a Theater/Speech major, and wants to be a high school administrator.